Signed in as:
Signed in as:
I coach people over 40 to be leaner, stronger, and have the freedom to mentally and physically do what they want as they age!
If you're wondering who am I to be helping you with this and why I care, read on...
I get it because I have been there.
Shy, sassy, and according to my pediatrician at the time, overweight. I began my obsession with my physical appearance at the age of 5. Because, if I was _______, I would be accepted, valuable, and loved. My obsession with being perfect to be loved began here.
It's not about being perfect. You can have more confidence and less anxiety around being healthy as you age and it doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming.
We work together to identify how to make the most progress in the shortest amount of time, given your current abilities. We work together so you can achieve balance.
"Hallie has a deep understanding not only of the physical body and how it moves, but she has decades of experience in understanding the emotional challenges that can keep us from moving or come up in different seasons of life. She has extensive training as a health and movement professional and continues each year to develop her skills f
"Hallie has a deep understanding not only of the physical body and how it moves, but she has decades of experience in understanding the emotional challenges that can keep us from moving or come up in different seasons of life. She has extensive training as a health and movement professional and continues each year to develop her skills further. This is how she is able to take your health to a higher level, better than other trainers."
"There are so many reasons that make Hallie unique and stand out from others in her line of business, so I’ll narrow it down to two; her academic background and passion for good health. With her Master’s degree in family therapy and 30 plus years working in the health and fitness industry she is more than qualified to take on your overa
"There are so many reasons that make Hallie unique and stand out from others in her line of business, so I’ll narrow it down to two; her academic background and passion for good health. With her Master’s degree in family therapy and 30 plus years working in the health and fitness industry she is more than qualified to take on your overall health and fitness journey. Her success begins with tackling her own health challenges first, along with her family’s. Once she’s commitment, she’s 100% focused on listening to your challenges/goals and working together towards a better way of health that’s best for you."
"Hallie gets a Five Star billing! As a Theater Artist and Educator, I've worked with many professionals who understand how we breathe, move and bring consciousness to our lives. Hallie is at the top of her profession because she knows her expertise and structures her work to fit her clients. Compassionate and honest. I trust her implicitly."
It’s been awhile since I have been 40 but my 40’s were a turning point. This is where I learned that doing more is not necessarily better. This is where the lessons I learned, brought me to my knees in tears. The self doubt, continuous striving for perfection, and crippling anxiety was finally enough for me to make a hard stop on all of the things I was doing. The acknowledgement of what I was going through, seeking outside resources for help, and the change in my heart, mind and soul brought me to a new place. Through this, I developed a 12-week progress over perfection program. It’s a program that has changed my life and I know it will change yours too!
Most importantly, I have been where you are right now. I have done all of the diets, paid for all of the programs and truly know what does and does not work. I, like you, have been striving for better health for years and have found sustainability in a program that emphasizes progress over perfection.
Things just aren’t the same since you hit 40, 50 , or perhaps 60+. You are in the midst of raising teenagers, empty nesting, or retirement and are noticing things you never noticed before.
Things like:
And let’s not forget mental health! Maybe you can’t put your finger on it but you just feel off. Your energy takes a nosedive way earlier than it once did, your anxiety increases as your head hits the pillow and you ruminate about what you put on your calendar for the following day. How are you going to wake up early and workout? Do you have healthy food options to get you through the day? Why are your cravings off the charts? Will your hormones ever stabilize?
As you scroll through social media, you see supplements, programs, and all kinds of diets that promise fast results and being as fit as you want to be. They promise youth-filled health if you take these pills, drink these shakes, do keto, become a vegan, intermittently fast, lift heavy weights, or subscribe to a specific online platform. You see others who have been able to figure it out and you wonder how they maintain good health as they age. You have tried the weight loss programs, meeting with dieticians, all kinds of exercise, mindfulness and every relaxation technique known to man!
To make matters worse, there is so much conflicting information from your doctor, friends, and online information, you get overwhelmed and decide to accept where you are now. You accept the pain, extra weight, and anxiety/depression as your new normal and you give up. You increase the number of supplements and medications you take, you eat and drink what you want, and you surround yourself with others who do the same. It’s just easier…
I have been where you are and I feel your frustration. I am appalled at what food manufacturers are allowed to include in our food, the slow but deliberate and successful attempt to increase portion sizes, the pills that are prescribed to dull the side effects of another pill, and the inability to get an appointment with a therapist. All of that and more IS NOT NORMAL.
You do not have to settle, or worse, give up on your health!